About the Warrior of Light Logo :
The Warrior draws its STRENGTH from the energy of the Sun, bold, bright and never-ending. The arrow is an arrow of Light - a shaft of Light pulled from the Sun - symbolic of Hope and Energy to inspire others. The Warrior’s aim is to land in the hearts of others, passing his STRENGTH, his COURAGE and his KINDNESS to others.
The Warrior holds his bow pointed upward to represent the wide open expanse of possibilities and opportunities that lie(s) before him. The figure in the logo is facing the sun, turning its back to the darkness to serve as a reminder to himself and to others, that we all have Light and Dark moments within ourselves and in our society. The Warrior serves as inspiration That regardless of the circumstance or situation, we can choose to turn towards the Light, even in the darkest of moments or tragic events.
The Warrior reminds himself to turn towards the Light in moments of confusion to continue with confidence and courage even in moments of uncertainty, trusting that things will turn out better than they were yesterday.
It is the notion of a Warrior to be resilient and restore goodness within himself, and be a model of inspiration for others, by standing once again after facing challenges and enduring hardship.
The sun rises every day and we therefore can be reminded that we also can choose to be Warriors of Light everyday as well.